Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gaming Crossword Puzzle

Think you know games? Test your trivial knowledge with this custom-made crossword puzzle.

5. The unsung hero of the Lion War
8. A term coined by the space pirates and originally referred to as the “Great Poison” by the ancient civilization
11. The real name of this sun-goddess-turned white wolf artist
12. A fungus that has mutated and caused the near-extinction of the human race
13. The anthropomorphic pink mascot created by HAL Laboratory
17. The lethal drug indirectly responsible for the death of this former New York City detective-turned-vigilante's family
19. This game series is loosely inspired by a Chinese novel featuring the mystic crystals known as the "108 Stars of Destiny"

1. The screw-propelled mobile ballistic system developed parallel to a series of bipedal nuclear tanks
2. A highly advanced machine race previously thought to be extinct
3. A notorious boss known for his distinctive flames and his relentless pursuit of demon slayers
4. A submerged tribute to Industrial America, this sunken city borrows heavily from the themes found in several Ayn Rand books
6. This world's name is characterized by the cycle of life and death, a prominent theme in its featured game
7. A highly evolved soldier stripped of his wings and tossed into the Abyss by his clan leader
9. SquareEnix will tell you they're not TaruTarus, but they most certainly are
10. Renowned developer known for his habit of making excessive promises but failing to meet them adequately
14. A guide to the player in voice only, this man spent nearly his entire life trapped in the forsaken mines of remote Greenland
15. Its name, according to one of the main characters, means "big fire"
16. A seemingly immortal artificial soldier who could regenerate his own limbs, his name is derived from the Latin for “whiteness”
17. Son of a demon and human, he has a twin brother who has been known to run his mouth
18. What can change the nature of a man?

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